Anticipated Releases · Bookishness · Books

Anticipated Releases: December 2019

Hello hello, how are you? Oh gosh, it is time for the last Anticipated Releases post of 2019!  I can’t believe how quickly the year is gone- and with so many amazing books being released too! I have definitely added a fair amount to my to-read and to-buy lists, that’s for sure. Writing Anticipated Releases… Continue reading Anticipated Releases: December 2019

Anticipated Releases · Bookishness · Books

Anticipated Releases: August 2019!

Hello, hello, I am back with another Anticipated Releases post!  ❤ For those who are new to my blog, I like to scour Goodreads and the web and make a list of the books I’m most looking forward to being published that particular month. I love reading up on the bookish industry like this, it… Continue reading Anticipated Releases: August 2019!

Bookishness · Books · Wrap-Ups

July Wrap-Up // August TBR!

Hello everyone! Wow it looks like summer is well and truly here, I mean we’re already in AUGUST!?!?! As I’m in full time work and so don’t get summer holidays like we did in school summer always feels less exciting, but I’m still amazed at how quickly the year is flying by So, whenever a… Continue reading July Wrap-Up // August TBR!

Bookishness · Books · Tags

Down the TBR Hole #8

Hello everyone! How are we all doing? I’ve had a bit of trouble deciding what to post recently, and decided to look through my tags/miscellaneous posts to see if anything takes my fancy. In the end I decided it was time to post another Down the TBR Hole post, it is certainly overdue! I mean… Continue reading Down the TBR Hole #8

Anticipated Releases · Bookishness · Books

Anticipated Releases: June 2019!

Hello readers, how are you this week? As you guessed from the title it is time for my monthly Anticipated Releases post!  ❤ These are my absolutely favourite posts to do on this blog, although it is certainly bad for the TBR list! For those who are new to my blog, each month I like to scour Goodreads… Continue reading Anticipated Releases: June 2019!

Anticipated Releases · Bookishness · Books

Anticipated Releases: May 2019!

Hello hello, and happy Monday! How are we all doing today? I look forward to these posts every month, but it is time for my monthly Anticipated Releases post!  ❤ For those who are new to my blog, each month I like to scour Goodreads and the web and make a list of the books I’m most… Continue reading Anticipated Releases: May 2019!


Series I Want to Finish This Year

Hello hello, how are you? And, for those who celebrate it, how has your Easter been? I’m not religious myself but I have been thoroughly enjoying the bank holiday/ 4-day weekend, that’s for sure! I was a bit stuck at what to post this week. I was going to post a review but I haven’t quite managed… Continue reading Series I Want to Finish This Year

Anticipated Releases · Bookishness · Books

Anticipated Releases: March 2019!

Hello hello, how are we all? As the title suggests, it’s time for my monthly Anticipated Releases post! ❤ For those who are new to my blog, each month I like to scour Goodreads and the web and make a list of the books I’m most looking forward to being published that particular month. As I am… Continue reading Anticipated Releases: March 2019!

Bookishness · Books

Top 5 Feel-Good Contemporary Reads

Hello everyone! We have been having the most glorious summer weather here in the UK, it’s so rare! Sunshine never fails to make me smile, I hope it lasts! 🙂 I read A LOT of fantasy books as I like to get my imagination flowing, but when I think of summery books the first genre… Continue reading Top 5 Feel-Good Contemporary Reads