Anticipated Releases · Bookishness · Books

April ’18 Anticipated Releases!

Hello everyone! It’s time for another Anticipated Releases post! For those who don’t know, every month I like to take a look at all the books due to be published, and highlight a few that I am particularly looking forward to being released into the world. Despite these kind of post being my absolute favourite… Continue reading April ’18 Anticipated Releases!

Bookishness · Books · Tags

Down the TBR Hole #3

Hello everyone! Today I’m back with another edition of: Down the TBR Hole. I actually haven’t done one of these since October, so it feels good to revisit (and hopefully declutter) my TBR ❤ This meme is created by Lia at Lost in a Story. For those who don’t know what Down the TBR Hole is, Lia has provided… Continue reading Down the TBR Hole #3

Bookishness · Books

My favourite reads of 2017

Hello everyone! How are we all? So, 2017 is almost over, and it is the time of year where I love tying up loose ends and looking back on my progress. I do have a usual wrap-up for tomorrow, but today I wanted to talk about my favourite reads of 2017. I started this blog in… Continue reading My favourite reads of 2017

Bookishness · Books · Wrap-Ups

November Wrap-Up// December TBR

Hello everyone- how are we all? So, December- my favourite month- is finally here! Not only is it the month of Christmas, which I love, but it is also my birthday month, so December can get very busy (in all the festive ways). As I’m writing this I’ve actually just returned from my mini trip to… Continue reading November Wrap-Up// December TBR


Living with a family that doesn’t read

Hello everyone! How are we all doing? I’m scheduling this post in advance for this week, as I am travelling on a holiday to New York! Not gonna lie, I’m most excited to see all the Christmas light displays (and do some shopping, of course). I’ll reply to messages when I come back! ❤ ****… Continue reading Living with a family that doesn’t read

Bookishness · Books · Wrap-Ups

October Wrap-Up// November TBR!

Hello everyone! I’m back (a bit later than planned) with another wrap-up post! October was a busy month for me. I wanted to do a bit more blogging, but October is also the month as Inktober– a month-long traditional drawing challenge, where you draw every day of October. I did this last year as well, and… Continue reading October Wrap-Up// November TBR!

Bookishness · Books · Tags

Down the TBR Hole #2

Hello everyone! Today I’m back with another edition of: Down the TBR Hole. This meme is created by Lia at Lost in a Story. For those who don’t know what Down the TBR Hole is, Lia has provided a wonderful explanation: Most of you probably know this feeling. Your Goodreads TBR pile keeps growing and growing and… Continue reading Down the TBR Hole #2

Bookishness · Books · Tags

Down the TBR Hole #1

Hello everyone! I hope you’re all well 🙂 This week’s post is a new feature for me, and it’s called Down the TBR Hole! I’m a bit late to the party, but I’ve been seeing this meme around on people’s blogs for a while, and I really fancied joining in. It is created by Lia… Continue reading Down the TBR Hole #1

Bookishness · Books · Wrap-Ups

August Wrap-Up// September TBR

Wow, so August, and I guess summer, is already over. What!? I didn’t feel like I had a summer at all and, while I am super pumped to start wearing autumnal clothes again (I miss the ease of jumpers), I’m sad to miss out on so many summery social activities 😛 Hey ho, there’s always next… Continue reading August Wrap-Up// September TBR

Anticipated Releases · Bookishness · Books

August 2017 Anticipated Releases!

Well hello there~ Yay, it’s my favourite time of the month: my Anticipated Releases post! I always enjoy this segment of my blog, as I can keep up-to-date with the bookish community and see what’s new each month. Plus it means I can keep adding more books to my to-read pile, while is also a lot… Continue reading August 2017 Anticipated Releases!