Bookishness · Tags

Bookish “This or That” Tag!

Hello! How are we doing today? After 2 months of sunshine and baking hot weather we finally had some rain in the UK, so I feel a bit more refreshed! I wasn’t sure what I wanted to post for today’s blog entry; I have quite a few unfinished entries but I was feeling a bit… Continue reading Bookish “This or That” Tag!

Books · Reviews

Review: A Thousand Perfect Notes

Title: A Thousand Perfect Notes Author: C. G. Drews Genre: YA, contemporary Pages: 282 Published: 7th June 2018 (UK) Publisher: Orchard Books Format: ARC Acquired: Received at work Rating: ★★★★★ Goodreads Synopsis:: An emotionally charged story of music, abuse and, ultimately, hope. Beck hates his life. He hates his violent mother. He hates his home.… Continue reading Review: A Thousand Perfect Notes

Bookishness · unboxing

June ’18 FairyLoot Unboxing!

Hello everyone! How are we all? So, as what always happens to me, I caught the FairyLoot bug. I don’t buy it for ages, buy one and then can’t help myself and buy another! I opened May’s box last month, and I saw the theme for June and it went straight into my cart. And when… Continue reading June ’18 FairyLoot Unboxing!

Anticipated Releases · Bookishness · Books

July ’18 Anticipated Releases!

Hello my lovelies, how are we all? It’s that time for one of my favourite posts- my Anticipated Releases! ❤ For those who may be new and don’t know, every month I like to scour Goodreads and the web and make a list of the books I’m most looking forward to being published that month.… Continue reading July ’18 Anticipated Releases!