Bookishness · Books · Hauls

December 2016 Book Haul!

Hello hello! I hope you guys had a good Christmas or weekend (whatever you were doing).

Sadly I’m working today so my Christmas ‘holiday’  has already ended, but today is a Monday, which means it’s time for another bookish post! ❤

December isn’t officially up yet, and I have a suspicion I may do some last minute book shopping, but I thought I would do a book haul for this month, as I seem to added a few more beauties to my collection.

First off, I want to say that this book pile is a culmination of books I received for my birthday and Christmas, as well as books I have been buying with my staff discount (that I only have for one more month- boo).

I am not bragging about the books I bought, but I personally love seeing other people’s hauls, and to be honest I find these posts really fun to do. I have a fair few to get through, so let’s just get stuck in 🙂



Three Dark Crowns by Kendare Blake~

So I have been looking to get this book for a while, and thankfully my mum bought it for me birthday! I love all the different UK covers for this one (the orangey yellow one is so vivid), but I went for the green one as I love the idea of a poison queen 🙂 Heard so many good things about this book, so I can’t wait to get stuck in.


Valour by John Gwynne~

This is book 2 of Gwynne’s Faithful and the Fallen series. In my review of book one Malice I said I would give book 2 a go as I haven’t decided whether I like the series yet or not. As I still have a temporary staff discount I thought now would be the best time to get this book, as if I don’t end up liking it I at least would not have paid full price! 😛 I’m hoping now the background of book one is done Valour will be a lot more exciting.



The Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss~

I’ve always seen this book around, but the blurb didn’t tell me enough for me to want to buy it. I mean it still doesn’t even now, but I have recently seen this book blow up all over the blogs I follow with rave reviews, so i couldn’t help but jump on the bandwagon. I’ve heard that Rothfuss isn’t the quickest with writing novels, so I feel like I should pace myself if it is going to be that good!


Rogue by Julie Kagawa~

I’ve been really wanting to buy sequels to some series’ that I have started this year while I still have my discount. The Talon series was one of them. I did like the first book (you can see my review here) but I wasn’t so in love with it that I needed to rush out to buy the second book straight away. However I was intrigued enough to keep noticing in on the store shelves, so I bought it this month. I am really looking forward to see how Ember and Garrett get on- and darn Dante!


An Ember in the Ashes by Sabaa Tahir~

Another book I’m jumping on the bandwagon for. I have seen so much hype for this series, but I’ve never really bothered to pick up the book (I blame the cover this time). I’ve been umm-ing and ahh-ing about this book for a while, and I decided to treat myself this month and give it a go (plus as you know, a discount can be very persuasive). I’m hoping I’ll really enjoy it!


The Winner’s Curse by Marie Rutkoski~

First of all, this cover is just gorgeous. It is beautifully pretty, and I can’t help but stare at it all day ❤ I am also intrigued by the story, as it involves a game of politics, nobles and gossip. I’m hoping it is a good as the cover is (forever judging by its cover).


Nevernight by Jay Kristoff~

Okay so I’ve been wanting to read this ever since I saw an early release copy at YALC this summer. But at the time I didn’t really splash the cash on hardcovers (things are slowly changing), so I’ve been silently drooling over it ever since. I couldn’t wait anymore so my mum decided to buy it for me for Christmas- thank you! ❤ I have a feeling that this book is right up my street, so I am super excited to start reading this!!!


Penguin Leather-Bound ClassicsJane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte & Selected Tales by The Brother’s Grimm~

So after a month of ogling these books every day, I finally bought these beauties. I mentioned these books in one of my Blogmas posts, but I am in love with these leather-bound editions by Penguin Classics. The cover designs are stunningly beautiful. I don’t know when I’ll actually read these books, but I used my discount to treat myself so I can just have some truly pretty books on my shelves. No regrets. ❤


Phew! I actually didn’t think I acquired that many books this month, this haul makes me realise I was wrong! I keep telling myself that my hauls are this big at the moment because I have a temporary staff discount until the end of January, but only time will tell to see if that’s the case!

Have you read any you like? Have you seen any in this haul that you want to put on your TBR? Let me know in the comments! ♥


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